Prezados visitantes do RentMen, CodyWilson escolheu responder 10 perguntas da entrevista que foram atualizadas pela última vez em 14 Aug 2019


  • O que você faz para se divertir?
    Surfing! The beach is my escape and where I feel the happiest! All that’s is missing is a hot date!
  • Que tipo de regime de dieta e fitness você segue?
    I am a naturally skinny guy. I go to the gym 5 times a week and wake up every morning at 6 am to jog with my dogs. I have to burn off all these milkshake calories some how!
  • O que você diria que são suas maiores qualidades e especialidades?
    My passion and drive to succeed is definitely one of my greatest traits. I am so proud of the man I grew up to be. Everyday I work hard to make sure my homework’s done, the house is clean, the dogs are taken out, etc.
  • Como você dá o melhor na sua vida?
    I go the extra mile everyday by being my best possible self. I treat everyone with kindness and respect. I’m the “do you need help with that?” type of guy. I smile at everyone I see! A smile is contagious and you never know who you will infect!
  • O que os outros deveriam saber absolutamente sobre você?
    I think others should I know, that I have a big heart. I’m the type of guy who always puts others before myself. I always want to make sure everyone’s happy. Because making other people happy makes me happy.
  • Conte-nos sobre a melhor experiência que você teve na vida.
    The best experience in my life is a minimal experience to some; but for me it was the start to my whole life. The day I graduated high school was the greatest experience; yes I know sounds kind of crazy lol. It was just a day I never thought I’d make it to; I was always the class clown, joking around, never taking anything serious. But that day opened the chapter for the rest of my life. After high school I ended up moving to Florida to pursue my dream of being a veterinarian. Each day I strive, and work harder and harder to fulfill my dreams.
  • Com que frequência você viaja? Você prefere viajar ou você é mais um casero?
    I made it a goal in life to see all of the world, and I am so close! I want to go everywhere. From big city; to small town. Show me your home city, be my tour guide!
  • Se nós sentamos na praia e bebemos vinho e comemos boa comida só você e eu, o que você iria me dizer sobre você e sua vida?
    First of all, beach and wine... and great food? Count me in. But first I’d tell you that I hope you brought 2 bottles because we are going to be here for a while! My life has been a rollercoaster; and I’d love to tell you all the ups and downs of it. But more importantly I’d love to hear about yours to!
  • O que você mais gosta em si mesmo?
    My ability and want to try new things and meet new people. I’m blessed to be a people person; I can strike up a conversation with almost anyone. I’m glad that I’ve grown to have confidence to have the ability to do so. I strive to not stay sheltered and standoffish in life and it has gotten me so far!
  • Quais são 5 coisas que você não pode viver sem?
    5 things I couldn’t live without.... 1. My dogs, they are my world! Every time I come home and see their wagging tails and smiling faces it brightens my day. Even on my worse day they make me smile! 2. My Surfboard, water is my escape. In the water is where I escape all my feelings; good or bad. It’s just me and my board. 3. Of course food! I keep my body tight and toned but I’m a sucker for a milkshake, it’s my secret addiction! (Shh don’t tell anyone) 4. Music! On the way to school, i plug in my phone and blast some songs! It helps me get my day started the right way all the time. And last but not least, 5. A smile. All these things make me happy! But if I don’t have a smile on my face am I even living?