Prezados visitantes do RentMen, SexyFunBoy escolheu responder 11 perguntas da entrevista que foram atualizadas pela última vez em 05 Jul 2022


  • Qual é o seu "nicho"?
    I would have to say my 'niche' would be my ability to create the ultimate boyfriend experience with a euphoric & friendly atmosphere along with a level of passion added to the session that take clients to heights they have never been before..all this while keeping our meeting strictly business and therapeutic.
  • O que o distingue de todas as outras pessoas que você conhece?
    I’ve always been taught to be a leader and not a follower so I always do my own thing. I always want to be different.
  • O que você diria que são suas maiores qualidades e especialidades?
    kindness, laid back, outgoing, loyalty, honesty, respect
  • Com que frequência você viaja? Você prefere viajar ou você é mais um casero?
    As of recently I started making payments on buying my house so I have been a homebody for sure, but I’m always willing to travel. I will always love to travel.
  • Que tipo de regime de dieta e fitness você segue?
    I am not on any workout schedules or diets. I like to enjoy food of every kind. On a daily basis I move around enough to basically consider myself working out all day. I do a lot of working on my house and in my yard:
  • Quais são as especificidades de seu estilo de vida que fazem quem você é?
    My lifestyle consists of my family, friends, and Art. I did not grow up in a wealthy family so I appreciate things a lot more than most. I love creating beautiful things and get great satisfaction out of making someone smile from something I created!
  • O que você gostaria que seus leitores soubessem sobre você que é único e até um pouco pessoal?
    I am a very gentle person and I am very careful to make sure everyone around me feels good the entire time. I care greatly about every interaction I have with others.
  • Se nós sentamos na praia e bebemos vinho e comemos boa comida só você e eu, o que você iria me dizer sobre você e sua vida?
    I am just an average person. I am open minded and non judgmental. Yes, I love myself but I'm not in love with myself. A lot of people judge and label me by the way I look and they think I'm stuck up, or arrogant but they meet me and realize they were totally wrong...im just a survivor making my way through life appreciating life, people, beauty, and personalities.
  • O que os outros deveriam saber absolutamente sobre você?
    They should know that I am "me" everyday. No matter what happens or doesn't happen, I am always "me.''
    I dont change, I'm not fake and I don't try to be like everyone else. I'm loyal and intensely passionate about things and I can always see right through you. After all, I am a Scorpio.
  • O que você mais gosta em si mesmo?
    I enjoy my personality the most. I have a very vibrant personality that is very friendly and fun yet calm and collected.
  • Quais são 5 coisas que você não pode viver sem?
    I would have to say; my family, friends, my freedom, apple products, happiness