Prezados visitantes do RentMen, Tai escolheu responder 14 perguntas da entrevista que foram atualizadas pela última vez em 22 Jan 2017


  • Conte-nos um pouco sobre si mesmo, se você fosse escolher algo, o que você gostaria que os outros absolutamente soubessem sobre você?
    Despite having two cats who I absolutely adore and probably pamper a little, I'm not crazy. My mum said so...
  • Que tipo de regime de dieta e fitness você segue?
    I'll freely admit I'm not great when it comes to diet, but I try to keep fit by running regularly and playing sports.
  • O que os outros deveriam saber absolutamente sobre você?
    I'm a nice guy that believes everyone is equal, regardless of colour, race and sexual orientation.
  • Quais são seus hobbies, o que você gosta de fazer em seu tempo livre?
    Other than being and artist and a writer, I love my sport, NRL especially. A couple of years back before I moved to Sydney I was a rugby league player for my local town club. I was never a super star, but I loved it. Now I play as the captain of a mixed oztag team. It's loads of fun and I have great friends and team mates. I also love playing tennis, but I'm mediocre at best.
  • Como você dá o melhor na sua vida?
    I go that extra mile by challenging myself daily. I am determined to make something of myself as an artist and a writer that I try to make sure I do something creative every day.
  • O que você faz para se divertir?
    For fun I enjoy going to the movies, eating out for dinner or brunch on occasion. I enjoy checking out exhibits and even learning about history. I have a big interest in Greek and Norse mythology. I am also an avid reader of comic books with Batman titles being my favourites, but also read a lot of fantasy and scifi fiction novels too. The Dark Tower series by Stephen King is my favourite. The comics that accompany this are also great.
  • Conte-nos sobre a melhor experiência que você teve na vida.
    The best experience I've had in my life was falling in love for the first time.
  • O que você diria que são suas maiores qualidades e especialidades?
    As stated earlier, I am a genuine guy and people often tell me that I'm so different and unique to others they talk to because I take the time getting to them and actually care.
  • Com que frequência você viaja? Você prefere viajar ou você é mais um casero?
    I like to travel at least once a year, even if it is only a short trip overseas somewhere. I find that traveling keeps the mind and body fresh.
  • Quais são as especificidades de seu estilo de vida que fazem quem você é?
    As I said, I am a comic book artist and writer, first and foremost. I spend most of my days working on a story that is my life's work. This story has been bouncing around in my head for going on 15 years. This is more than half my life and it is my goal to make something of it.
  • O que você gostaria que seus leitores soubessem sobre você que é único e até um pouco pessoal?
    I am an aspiring comic book artist and one day I would love to be work for DC on one of the Batman titles.
  • Se nós sentamos na praia e bebemos vinho e comemos boa comida só você e eu, o que você iria me dizer sobre você e sua vida?
    I would talk about my life's work as an artist and explain what writing and drawing means to me.
  • O que você mais gosta em si mesmo?
    I think I am a genuine person that really cares about others and wants to get to know you.
  • Quais são 5 coisas que você não pode viver sem?
    My family, my friends, my beautiful cats, my books and my comics.